Chapter Two

by Megan

Buffy blinked. It looked like Spike. It sounded like Spike. Had even felt like Spike—though she refused to dwell on that short moment when she’d pressed her lower half against his lower half across her mother’s kitchen bench. Not that she needed to dwell on it when she had the action replay in all its icky glory pressed up against her crotch.

Oh God, it was Spike, and he’d gotten her off when she didn’t even know who it was. Not that she cared. Not that knowing that it was Spike would have altered the experience or made her more willing or gahhhhh! Stop mouth, go back and be more with the screaming bloody murder.

“What the hell are you doing, you freak?” So she risked having that filthy scrap of crap shoved back between her teeth, but God, what was he thinking?

The desperate squalling pitch of her voice didn’t seem to have any impact. Spike was smiling for all he was worth and it was really creeping Buffy out. Okay, making with the struggling and jerking, and if she could grit her teeth against Spike’s laughter, she so would. Before she was able to do anything that passed for progress in getting herself free, Spike was hauling her up and leaving her ass squished against the metal of his hunk of junk.

“Keep your scrawny ass here or I’ll not be responsible for my actions.” Spike grinned again and then loped off into the dark up the road, Buffy staring after him like dazed hit-and-run victim. She so totally missed the side dish of menace that should have been served up with that threat, but Buffy was never one to look opportunity in the teeth, mouth, horse, oh whatever…and she slid down the metal and attempted to start jumping away from the beat up car.

Unfortunately her series of orgasms had addled her brain and before she got too far, she worked out that she’d merely jumped in the direction the car had been heading. Spike rolled to a stop beside her, leering at her breasts as they bounced up and down in their unbound state. Buffy came to a dejected stop and Spike pulled on the screeching brake.

“You’re a right frustrating bint, you know that?”

Buffy stopped suddenly on a jump and rolled her eyes, refusing to look at the picture of satisfied manhood lit by the internal car light. Spike slid across the hood of his car and came to a bouncy stop in front of Buffy, his hands instantly cupping a breast in each as he squeezed playfully. Buffy whimpered and couldn’t stop the tears that were a result of her betraying nipples as they hardened without permission to his touch.

“Told you I wouldn’t be bloody responsible if you buggered off. Now, got a bit of a situation with your shirt.” Before Buffy could open her mouth to tell him what he could do with his issues, he’d unhooked the back of her bra and ripped the shoulder straps till the garment fell from her frame. Buffy just stared in horror as his nimble fingers tied her buttonless top between her breasts before pushing her into the passenger seat of the car. She fell in, her bundled arms and legs awkwardly splaying her across the bench seat. Spike gave her ass a slap and then moved back to the driver’s side, almost falling behind the wheel before reaching over to sit Buffy up and then pull the door closed.

“Got the other door sitting on the backseat—“and she was positive he just growled at her over a piece of tin, “or I’d have you stretched out back there. Now, mind yourself or I’ll put the gag back in.”

Buffy stared, stunned, for what seemed like hours to her rattled psyche, and then turned her lashing tongue on the still grinning freak of nature.

“Take me home. Right now,” she said through gritted teeth.

“No can do, little buckaroo.”

That smile was so going to be wiped off his too gorgeous face if he didn’t lose it soon. It incensed her beyond reason, beyond Xander’s Twinkie breath, beyond Willow’s…

“What the hell are you so chirpy about? Considering your dusty end is imminent, I’d think you’d be rushing to get away from me.” Buffy withered under his bark of laughter, finding the curl of fear in her gut embarrassing. How could she be afraid now after he’d gotten her off in almost fluent succession?

A leather clad arm reached across in front of her, brushing up against her unfettered breasts as he dived into his glovebox, retrieving a flask and tipping it enthusiastically to his lips.

“Let’s drink to it then, yeah?” He offered the foul smelling alcohol to Buffy and chuckled at her predictable ‘ewwww’ before replenishing his own empty mouthful.

“An’ you sure you can’t guess what’s put me in such a chipper mood? Why, pet, thought you were the brains of the bunch. Got into college, didn’ you?”

Buffy’s startled expression was all the confirmation he needed, and he almost rumbled with happiness as a hand snaked over and rubbed her denim-covered leg.

“Stop that,” she screamed, her body beginning a jerking motion that did nothing really but alter the path of his hand and push it closer to her sopping crotch. The insistent rubbing did little to calm her down.

“Get your filthy evil hands off me.”

Spike actually had the nerve to pout, attention off the road as he watched her with desire darkened eyes. “Make me.” And then there was his tongue, hanging between his teeth as he grinned some more.

Oh, he was going to die. As soon as she managed to trick him into letting her go.

And wasn’t that enough to make reality slam back with a kickback that hurt? Damn magical rope, damn evil vampires…and, she couldn’t hold back the sniff…damn cowardly souled vampires that thought they knew what was best for her without actually asking her first. Because having orgasms on the hood of her enemy’s car—while said enemy was shredding her clothes and being the one to get her off—so wasn’t what was best for her by a long shot.

Buffy had had enough and, drawing her knees up in a misleading attempt at comfort, she slammed her booted feet down and destroyed the ancient tape deck in one satisfying smash. Spike’s foot almost made a hole in the floor as he braked to a fishtailing stop. He grabbed Buffy around the neck and shoved her back against the seat, his body tense as he put his weight against her.

“Leave my bloody car the fuck alone, you crazy bint.” The fury fought against his obviously inebriated plan and before Buffy could accept the fact he was going to drain her here and dump her body out on the side of the road, he was kissing the breath from her body in a gulping frenzy. The force altered to hungry nibbles until with a shock Buffy yanked back and gasped.

“You bit me!” She could still feel the wetness of her flesh as a little blood slipped from the tiny wound.

Spike cackled and looked at her affectionately. “Vampire, luv. Be hard pressed finding one that wouldn’t.” And had the nerve to dive in for another peck before straightening up and putting the car back in gear.

Buffy looked sideways at her captor then at the smashed stereo and groaned. This entire situation was too surreal for her to grasp and she couldn’t help but feel completely dumbfounded. Buffy shuddered.

“Spike, what are you doing?” She sat uncomfortably forward, her hands bunched painfully behind her back while she stared at his profile. He didn’t even slip from the jovial countenance that was setting her on edge. He turned and grinned, reaching over to gently squeeze her knee, and then went back to watching the road.

“While to the rest of us it would be obvious, I’ll let you in on the plan. I’ve kidnapped you and I’m gonna feed you to Dru. If she doesn’t take me back after that, I’ll bloody finish with her for good.”

Buffy’s eyes goggled as she noted every smiling muscle in Spike’s face. “You aren’t serious!”

The satisfaction and confidence faltered for just a minute and Buffy marvelled at how ridiculous this whole situation was.

“As a bloody Angelus avoiding soul curses. Why?”

Buffy spluttered in disgust. “Because your girlfriend is a hobiscuit. Why on earth would you want someone back who cheats on you?”

It shouldn’t have been a surprise that the only answer she got was a slight flinch and pedal to the metal. Buffy could only pray to god that if he slammed on the brakes, or if they crashed, that slayer healing would keep her alive, because this farce of a kidnapping sure as hell wouldn’t.

Before Spike was through, she was certain she’d be as loopy as Dru.